Pistacia Tree, its existence was based on very old ages, groves in mountainous rural areas of the Mediterranean, Eastem and southeastern Regions of our country without cultivation and without any chemical spraying ecologically. İt is part of a natural vegetation of our country. Pistacia that known as Pistacia Terebintus in Latin, had different names such as Çitlenbik, Çıtlık, Çitemik, Çedene and Bittim according to the region and were made use of in various ways for many years. Erbe Pistacia Coffee is made from the fruit of this tree.
• Caffeine-free. Soft drinking. 
• Antitussive, expectorant.
• Bronchodilator and is good for shortness of breath. 
• It has antiseptic properties, softens chest, useful for respiratory tract.
• It has therapeutical features.
• It helps for removing the nephrolithiasis. 
• It is good for the vocal chords and vocal cord paralysis. 
• Helps to relieve stomach pains and nausea. 
• Erbe Pistacia Coffee has the Aphrodisiac effect It contains high amount of E vitamin and unsaturated fatty acid owing to pistachio oil in its structure. It helps to reduce the cholesterol in blood and to prevent hardening of hearth and arteriosderosis. 
• Erbe Pistacia Coffee which is a natural and very healthy product; has an protective effect against cancer and aging by means of its antioxidant and phenolic components prevents the body against aging. "There are E and B group vitamins and important minerals and elements such as sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, cadmium in the composition of the fruit of Pistacia. At the same time it is also highly beneficiall plant in terms of protein, fat, dietary, unsaturated fatty acids and minerals.
• Erbe Pistacia Coffee has been determined that the Pistacia Coffee has very high antioxidant properties, and by this means Erbe Pistacia Coffee has the protective properties against the diseases such as Alzheimerand Parkinson by protecting and strengthening the nervous system especially.

PREPARATION: Put one dessert spoon Erbe Pistacia Coffee  in coffee pot for each cup of milk and boil at low heat to boiling over. After adding sugar according to your request and waiting a little, pour in cups and serve up. In order to prepare practically, add one dessert spoon of Erbe Pistacia Coffee, two dessert spoon coffee cream and sugar according to request for one tea cup and pour boiling water over them and serve up after waiting a little.